Thursday, September 16, 2010

New City, New Blog

It has been quite some time since I have used this medium to communicate with the outside world. The last time I wrote in a blog, I was sitting at a computer (no doubt swimming in sweat)in a tiny computer lab in a tiny primary school on a tiny island in the Caribbean. That is no longer the case as I now live in DC. Six months ago, I was accepted into the School of International Studies at American University. I gladly accepted the invitation and packed up a U-haul last month. Its been about four weeks living in the United States' capital and it has been quite the adventure. I've never lived in a city of this size and density before and it is taking some getting used to. My time here has flown by thus far and I don't foresee it slowing down any time soon. This blog will be a way in which I can voice my opinion on issues that arise, share my experiences living in DC, and explain my frustrations and challenges in a manner that is entertaining and informative for the reader as well as therapeutic and cathartic for the writer. I hope that everyone will continue reading as I invite people into my life as I begin this next chapter. Love and peace.